Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

To all of our moms and moms-to-be, we honor you today! You are amazing. Wishing you all the best on this special day.

Mother's Day Coupon- Save 15% on your next order of prenatal vitamins, DHA and/or Belly Butter. Coupon code: WELOVEMOM

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Importance of Prepraing Mind and Body

Enjoying pregnancy and being ready for childbirth may seem contradictory to some expecting moms.  But learning how to manage emotions and physical symptoms of pregnancy will help prepare her mind and body for the journey she’s about to take.  Some areas of health and personal growth are especially worth taking a look at.

Staying Organized 
For managing diet, ensuring prenatal vitamins are taken, keeping track of doctor appointments, and all the tasks that accompany a successful delivery, strong organization skills are a must.  If being organized is not mom's natural tendency, a few items will prove useful to help her get there.  A personal calendar can be helpful for keeping track of appointments, while a larger wall calendar can mark important milestones.  A journal can be used to chart symptoms and as a means to vent frustrations and worries before taking them to others.  Electronic organizers often combine these tools into one easy-to-carry device. 

Staying Rested 
It is unknown how many expectant mothers suffer from insomnia, but researchers are aware that insomnia can cause several problems for mom and baby.  Speaking with the doctor about sleep disturbances may uncover potential causes and treatments, though there are a number of things that can be tried at home.  Ensuring that there is no light present during sleeping hours is one way to increase the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for a good night's rest.  Meditation and exercise are also important means of increasing melatonin and quieting the mind.

Natural Pain Reduction 
Delivery is frequently accompanied by pain beyond the normal threshold. Though the body produces hormones during pregnancy and labor to reduce this pain, it is still enough to leave mom begging for relief.  However, many moms are looking for alternative strategies.  Meditation and exercise have proven capable of increasing the tolerance for pain, and there are classes available on the Bradley Method and other techniques for reducing reliance on medications.  Regardless of which route is chosen, it is useful for every mom to become familiar with the pain relief strategies available to her.

Much of the information and skills for healthy childbirth are taught in pregnancy and childbirth classes.  Taking this opportunity to meet new moms and get information from the professionals is a good use of time.  Classes are also a great place to learn about optional choices like cord blood banking, which is where the baby’s umbilical cord blood is collected after birth and stored to be potentially used in the treatment of a future medical condition.

The more mom-to-be learns and practices useful pregnancy and birthing skills the more she’ll enjoy her pregnancy and the more ready she’ll be for childbirth. 

This article was written by Katie Moore. Katie is an active writer within the blogging community who discusses maternity, motherhood, prenatal health, childbirth and other topics within this niche.  If you have any questions or would like to connect with Katie please contact by visiting her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter @moorekm26.