Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year again when we reflect on the past 12 months and celebrate with anticipation the coming new year.  Many of us will set goals and make resolutions for change. 

What are your New Year's resolutions or goals?  Leave us a comment and share yours.

Happy New Year incredible women!  May 2012 be your best year ever.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Morning Sickness and Prenatal Vitamins

The most critical time for your baby's nutrition is before conception and during the first trimester.  Unfortunately, the first trimester is when many women suffer from some degree of morning sickness and are unable to take their prenatal vitamins.   
Promise Prenatal- Stage One is the only prenatal vitamin formulated to deliver the exact recommended nutrients for the first trimester of pregnancy, while helping to ease nausea caused by morning sickness.  The small capsule is easy to swallow and contains micro-encapsulated iron (easier to digest), increased levels of vitamin B6 and no artificial fillers or dyes (ingredients).  With Promise Prenatal you can be confident you are getting exactly what you and your baby need, when you need it.   Stage One- Preconception and 1st Trimester/Morning Sickness, Stage Two-Pregnancy (wk.14-40) and Stage Three-Lactation and Post-Pregnancy recovery. 

"Promise Prenatal Vitamins are the first prenatals that I have been able to take throughout my first trimester. I am prone to horrible morning sickness and with my previous two pregnancies, I was unable to tolerate any vitamins until well into the second trimester. A friend told me about Biotegrity’s Promise Prenatal when we began trying for our third child. Not only have I been able to tolerate the vitamins (including the iron, which is also normally a problem for me), but I have found that they actually help decrease my morning sickness. I am very grateful to have a very affordable product that supports my body as well as my growing baby."  Chrysanthy C., Mother of three, St. Charles, Mo.

 Find out more about the benefits of Promise Prenatal at

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Giveaway Time!

We love giveaways and this one is fun and easy to enter.  Simply visit and leave a comment about our products and you'll be entered to win a Mommy Pamper Pack or Pregnancy Pamper Pack.  There will be 2 winners selected (you can find full details and giveaway rules on

Our Pregnancy Pamper Pack features this darling diaper bag, 90 day supply of Promise Prenatal Vitamins, 90 day supply of Promise DHA, Promise Belly Butter for stretch marks, a few fab spa products to keep you feeling great this winter and a $50 gift card to Baby Gap.

Our Mommy Pamper Pack (for those moms who aren't pregnant but still need a little pampering) includes Replenish Essentials Multivitamin for Women (from the makers of Promise Prenatal), Replenish Omega-3, peppermint foot cream, spa socks, lip balm, tote bag and a $50 Visa gift card.  

Good luck to all of you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pregnancy Brain and Prenatal Vitamins

Many of us can relate to the term pregnancy brain and even have a story of when we forgot something important or did something that made us feel less than sharp.  Why is that?  What is happening in our body to make us loose the edge we once had before pregnancy?  Unfortunately, research hasn't been able to support our theory of “pregnancy brain”.  A recent study shows the capacity of the brain is unaltered in pregnancy.  The brain doesn't change during those 9 months even though we feel like our memory has left the building somewhere around week 4 or 5.  But just because research doesn't show a change in the brain, we moms know something isn't the same.  Here are a few tips to help you keep your edge.

1.  Get enough rest.  Many women find it difficult to get enough rest at night, especially during the third trimester.  Get to bed earlier or even find time to take a nap when possible- the dishes and laundry can wait.

2.  Take a DHA Omega-3 supplement.  Research has shown DHA can help increase your short term memory and is great for baby's brain and eye development.  It not only helps mom's memory, but has great benefits for the baby on board.

3.  Eat well and take your daily prenatal vitamin.  Food that gives you heart burn or irritates morning sickness symptoms can prevent you from sleeping well.  Caffeine is also best to avoid during pregnancy.

4.  Read a good book.  Reading is a great way to keep your mind active.  Pregnancy books are always fun and informative during this season.  

5.  Take a moment to regroup.  Go for a walk or rest a moment and gather your thoughts. Make a to-do list to help you feel on top of your tasks and less overwhelmed.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Month- Promise Prenatal Vitamins

As we enter into October and Breast Cancer Awareness month, we want to do our part to increase awareness of the importance of early breast cancer detection.  Here are some resources for creating an early detection plan, as well as becoming informed of the risk factors and prevention.  

There are so many of us who have been effected directly and indirectly by breast cancer. All of us at Biotegrity would like to take this opportunity to let you know how amazing, strong and courageous you are and that we support and pray for you in this fight! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Your Story- Prenatal Vitamin and DHA

"I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 7 month old. I took your products before, during and after both babies. I did a lot of research prior to purchasing any prenatal vitamins because I was trying to have a baby at 37. I would like you to know that I could not be any happier with my decision to choose your product. I am fortunate enough to have extremely healthy children but not only that, they are truly brilliant. They amaze everyone around them with the things they say or the things they do. Small motor skills, large motor skills, vocabulary, memory...I could go on endlessly. I often joke to my husband and say, "it's those vitamins I take". It's no joke. I believe they are the way they are largely because of your before during and after vitamins. Thanks for being a huge part of my life!" Val

Thank you Val for sharing your story with us!  Your testimony is why Biotegrity exists.  Have a story to share?  We want to hear from you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Finding the Best Time of Day to Take Your Prenatal Vitamin

Since nausea and morning sickness affects about three quarters of pregnant women, many of us find it difficult to take a daily prenatal vitamin, however, timing can be everything.  Finding a time of day that is best for you (when you are experiencing less nausea) may make all the difference.  Here are a few tips to help you find that perfect time to take those, oh so important, vitamins.

* Take your prenatal vitamins with a full tummy.  Vitamins are easier to stomach when accompanied by food.  A small snack may not cut it, you may need to take them with a meal- experiment and see what works best for you.

*   The iron in prenatal vitamins can be particularly hard to digest, so find a time of day when your stomach feels less sensitive (after brushing teeth or smelling strong soap in the shower may not be good times). You also want to look for a supplement formulated with less iron and coated iron.  Promise Prenatal Stage 1 is specifically designed with less iron and can be used the entire pregnancy if you find your morning sickness doesn't subside at 12-14 weeks.  Stage 1 also contains higher levels of vitamin B6 to help ease the queasiness.  Stage 1, 2 and 3 all use high quality coated iron for easier digestion.  Your doctor may also want to prescribe extra B6 supplements.

*  Bedtime seems to be the time of choice for many women.  They take their vitamins and call it a day.  If this time works best for you, be sure to have a hardy snack before you hit the pillow.  Also, it's important you don't lie flat for 20-30 minutes after swallowing your pill.  The most sensitive area of the stomach is at the top and lying down will sometimes irritate this area causing nausea.  

*  If even the thought of taking a prenatal vitamin makes you sick, try whipping up a yummy milkshake or smoothie, open the capsule and empty the powder into the blender.  There isn't any taste or smell and you will drink down all of the great nutrition you and your baby needs without even noticing.

*  Finding a time you'll remember to take your vitamin each day isn't always easy.  Set an alarm on your phone or have some type of reminder.  Prenatals should be taken daily.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Prenatal Vitamins: Made in the USA

We wanted to share a bit about who we are and why we do what we do! Dedicated to innovation in healthcare, Biotegrity is a Texas based pharmaceutical company focusing on solutions that specifically address the needs of women.  In everything we do, people are the center of our organization. From the women who take our products, to the exceptional group of associates we work with each day, we are a company dedicated to the health and well-being of those we come into contact with. Part of this commitment is providing high quality products. Promise Prenatal Vitamins + DHA, Promise Belly Butter, Replenish Women's Multivitamins and Replenish Omega-3 are all formulated and manufactured in the United States using only FDA approved manufacturing facilities to ensure safety, accuracy and quality. Rest assured, when you use our products, you are getting only the best!  So, thank you to all of the amazing women who allow us to make a difference in their nutritional needs- you are why we do what we do!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Preventing Stretch Marks

 Most of us have heard or even shared stories about women who have developed stretch marks during pregnancy.  We are of course, all willing to take one for the team if we have to, but is there anything we can do to prevent stretch marks from appearing? The jury is still out- but recent research says "yes".  Genetics and good skin care both play a part in the texture, color and elasticity of your skin.  Since we can't change our genetics, it's important we do what we can to take care of the skin we've been given.  Using a daily belly butter or cream may reduce or even prevent marks from appearing.  A few things to look for when choosing a stretch mark cream: be sure the cream is safe for pregnancy.  A fragrance free cream is also important since most women have a sensitivity to smell while pregnant.  Non-greasy, fast drying products are a plus if you use the product in the morning before dressing and look for all natural, hypoallergenic ingredients, especially if you have sensitive skin.   

Promise Belly Butter is formulated with a blend of the following ingredients:
Calendula- making the skin more supple by increasing blood supply and contains anti-bacterial properties. 
Aloe Vera Juice- containing 20 amino acids and supports the natural healing of skin.
Shea Butter- naturally rich in vitamins A and E which are essential for good skin balance and moisture. Shea butter also penetrates deep into skin to help restore elasticity.
Vitamin E- contains antioxidant activity which is vital in protecting and rejuvenating skin cells.

Promise Belly Butter's advanced formula combines a unique blend of ingredients to strengthen skin elasticity, stimulate collagen production and support natural skin proteins.  Our promise to the mom-to-be is skin that is soothed, supple and can withstand stretching during pregnancy and postpardum.  It can be used on stomach, legs and breast area.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Mom's, you are amazing!  One day a year isn't enough to celebrate all you do.  We hope your day is full of love, relaxation and unforgettable memories.  So, to all of our mom's who make up the Biotegrity team and those who we have the pleasure of serving each day, Happy Mother's Day!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Surviving Bed Rest

It's not uncommon for a doctor to prescribe bed rest to help prevent complications in pregnancy.  At first, the thought of putting the business of life on hold doesn't sound so bad.  In fact, it may even be a welcomed break from real life. You get to relax while someone else takes care you — but then bed rest reality sets in. You can't go to work, shop, cook or even have a simple night out.   If you're on complete bed rest, you may not even be able to shower or eat sitting up.  So how does one prepare and cope with laying flat for weeks or even months on end? 
Guest blogger and mom-to-be Melissa Hinnant shares her experiences firsthand and some helpful tips on surviving bed rest.
"After suddenly spending 2 weeks in strict hospital bed rest with my last pregnancy,  I was *slightly* prepared when we received the news that I would be on strict home bed rest starting "now" this pregnancy.  However, what I wasn't prepared for is,  2 months...yes 60 days, 8 weeks and 4 days or 1,440 hrs later I'm still here, horizontal.

Here are some tips that I have found a huge help with surviving bed rest:

1) Get a calendar, one you can hang on your wall next to you and each night cross off a day.  It truly helps to see the time progressing and knowing that baby is still growing in there safe and sound.

2) ASK for help!  Do not try to do things on your own.  Try to find someone to cook/bring meals or set up a meal rotation, help with groceries, laundry, cleaning, etc.  Friends and family are generally willing to help, but they need to know what you need help with.  Do not be afraid to ask.

3) Schedule your days.  I have found it very helpful to have a routine that breaks up your day and helps it to go by faster. For example, 8am-11:30am wake up, get ready, eat breakfast, read, send emails and browse the internet.  12pm-3pm eat lunch, lay outside (if your doctor allows) and do some crafting. 3pm-5pm (this often feels the longest stretch) more internet, crafting again and see some visitors.  6pm-10pm - eat dinner, watch television or a movie, shower, read and go to bed.

4)  Take up a hobby.  Some examples are crafting, scrapbooking, knitting or crocheting.  I've learned to crochet - I've made baby girl a blanket, and now I'm making little teeny bows and headbands.  I've also made an online recipe book by entering all of my recipes at  Photobooks are another great idea as they make the time pass quickly too.  As soon as I can sit up I'll be working on a quilt for my little one.

5)  Be mindful of what you are eating.  Remember, your body is not moving so your metabolism and digestion are very slow.  Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and make sure to have some "healthy" snacks throughout the day.  Drink a lot of water!  I drink about 80-90oz a day (which is more than I ever have in my life), but it's very beneficial during pregnancy.

Bed rest, especially a lengthy one, is not easy.  A HUGE revelation that came to me (one that will make or break your bed rest) is, it's all about how you set your perspective.  You can mope, stress and dredge your way through it or you can choose to make the most of it.  The Italians have a popular phrase "La Dolcezza di Fare Niente", which means "the sweetness of doing nothing".  They have really grasped this concept, and it's time us Americans do too!  Remember, this bed rest season will not last forever, and the next time you have a chance to rest like this will probably be in 21 years from now."

Follow Melissa's story on Rick and Melissa Plus 1.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Changes in Skin

It's not uncommon for expecting moms to have changes in their skin.  Of course every woman's experience is different, but here is some information to help you prepare for, and even prevent, some of the changes from occurring.   

One of the most common skin changes occurs on the face.  The "Mask of Pregnancy", also referred to as melasma, causes dark splotchy spots to appear on the forehead, upper lip and cheeks.  Women with darker complexions seem to be more prone to this condition than women with lighter skin.  You may also notice that areas with dark pigmentation, such as freckles and moles, may become even darker. Hormonal changes during pregnancy stimulate a temporary increase in your body's production of melanin, the natural substance that gives color to hair, skin, and eyes. So what's a girl to do to prevent the "mask of pregnancy"?  When you are planning to be outside, be sure to always wear a good sunscreen that is at least SPF 15, or wear your favorite hat or ball cap to protect your face from the sun.  A good concealer can also be your new BFF if the spots really bother you. 

You may have also noticed a dark line on your pretty baby bump.  This is called linea nigra and may have always been there, but not as noticeable because it was a lighter color. During pregnancy this line darkens. It usually appears around the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy and will begin to fade after delivery. Stretch marks may also appear on a mom's growing belly, but using a stretch mark cream high in vitamin E can help strengthen the skins elasticity and even prevent them from appearing.

The "pregnancy glow" is a welcomed change to a woman's skin.  The glow is often from the knowledge and anticipation of the life growing inside, as well as eating right and taking a daily prenatal vitamin.  It can also be linked to an increase in blood volume. Women typically see an increase of 40-50% in blood volume during pregnancy, which can give a mom-to-be a nice healthy look.

After delivery your skin may take a few months to return to it's "pre-pregnancy" state.  It's crucial to continue protecting yourself from the sun during this time.  If your skin is still blotchy after a few months and it's bothering you, talk to your practitioner or a dermatologist about treatment options.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Caffeine and Pregnancy

What better way to get going in the morning than with a delicious cup of Joe!  However, if you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant, you may need to find a new drink that doesn't contain the glorious stimulant we all know and love - caffeine!

Caffeine crosses the placenta to your baby.  While we can usually handle the effects of this stimulant, our little one on board can't.  Your baby's metabolism is still maturing and cannot fully process the caffeine.  Even small amounts of caffeine can cause changes in your baby's sleep pattern and normal movement patterns in the later stages of pregnancy.  It also increases your heart rate and blood pressure, both of which are not recommended during pregnancy.  Many women find it hard to sleep during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, so adding a stimulant may make getting much-needed sleep even harder.

We know that caffeine is not recommended during preconception and pregnancy, but decaffeinated coffees and teas should be avoided as well.  These beverages contain compounds called phenols that can make it hard for your body to absorb iron.  Many pregnant women are already low in iron and this can add to your deficiency.  If you do drink coffee or tea, it's best to have between meals and not with your prenatal vitamin.

The jury is still out on the amount of caffeine that is acceptable.  Some say 150 mg per day, others say 300 mg per day.  The best choice is to cut back on your intake as much as possible.  
Common sources of caffeine include:
* Starbucks House Blend Coffee (16 oz) 259 mg
* Dr. Pepper (12 oz) 37 mg
* Diet Coke (12 oz) 47 mg
* Coca-Cola (12 oz) 35 mg
* Green tea (6 oz) 40 mg
* Black tea (6 oz) 45 mg
* Decaffeinated brewed coffee (8oz) 8-13mg (depending on brand)
Your doctor and/or midwife will offer additional advice on foods to avoid when trying to get pregnant or during pregnancy.

Decaffeinated drinks (hot chocolate, cider, etc.) are a great option especially during these cold winter months.  Ask your local brew house for some decaf ideas too, you may be surprised at the wonderful yummy drinks that are available!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Folic Acid- The Wonder Vitamin!

--> Getting enough folate is crucial in preventing birth defects and now new research shows it may help prevent premature delivery. Here's what you need to know to give your baby the best possible start.

Spina bifida is the most common form of Myelomeningocele, a neural tube defect in which the bones of the spine do not completely form, resulting in an incomplete spinal canal.  This condition causes the spinal cord and the tissues covering the spinal cord to be exposed.  Myelomeningocele may affect as many as 1 out of every 800 infants, however, getting enough folate (or folic acid) in your daily diet and through a prenatal supplement, before and during pregnancy, can reduce your baby's risk up to 70%.  Recent research also has found that getting the recommended amount of folate can reduce baby's risk of being born with a cleft lip or cleft palate by one-third.

And as if that's not reason enough to take this amazing B Vitamin, there's more,

The latest research shows a link between folate and the prevention of preterm-birth. In a study of 38,000 women (sponsored by the National Institutes of Health), folate supplementation for at least one year before conception was linked to a 70% decrease in very early preterm deliveries at weeks 20 to 28 and a 50% decline in deliveries at 28 to 32 weeks.

For this wonder vitamin to give you the greatest benefits, you need to start supplementing before conception. Birth defects of the spine and brain occur in the first weeks of pregnancy.  If you are already pregnant, it's ok, don't fret- getting the folate you need is still important.  Both diet and supplementation is necessary.  Most prenatal vitamins contain 800-1,000 micrograms, which is perfect for moms to be and those already pregnant. But don't skimp out on the foods containing folate, like fortified cereals, beans and leafy greens.  Food is the easiest way for your body to absorb folic acid.

For more information, be sure to ask your OBGYN if you're doing all you can do to give your baby the best possible start!